About Jeanne Clark, LCSW

About Jeanne Clark, DSW, LCSW, Licensed, Certified Hypnotherapist


Jeanne Clark specializes in psychotherapy, counseling, hypnoanalysis and hypnosis. Jeanne no longer practices in the Chicago area. If you would like to combine a vacation in the beautiful Northwoods with intensive hypnoanalysis, contact Jeanne now!  She provides packages of 10 intensive hypnoanalysis sessions to clients who come from the Chicago area in Spooner, Wisconsin. The intensives are individualized to meet the needs of each client. After the intensive, teletherapy will be available based on an assessment and agreement between Jeanne and the client.

Jeanne has over 35 years’ experience helping people change, heal and grow in mind, body, and spirit. She offers individuals hypnotherapy, hypnoanalysis, psychotherapy, and medical hypnosis for anxiety, depression, panic, and other health difficulties. She has worked with people from a wide range of backgrounds with wide variety of symptoms and problems.

Jeanne graduated from Aurora University with a Master’s in  Social Work in 1983 and a Doctor of Social Work in 2018. Please inquire for a list of her many professional board memberships and affiliations.

Jeanne highly recommends that clients who wish to see someone in the Chicagoland area contact Nina Pernecke or Mary Kullman.

Contact Jeanne